ARC Review: Darkness by Joann Martin Sowels

Darkness (The Brookehaven Vampires, #2)
Release Date: October 30 2011
Publisher: Brookehaven Publishing
Format: ARC Paperback
Genre: YA/Fiction/Supernatural
Source: Author

Goodreads Synopsis:
Not long ago, Laney Alexander was living a carefree life, that is, until she was thrown into a world full of creatures only the imagination thought possible. Now, after surviving a terrifying night, Laney and Oliver are lying low at Julz's place, relieved to be in each other's arms once again. But fate seems to have other plans...

Julz is not happy to have visitors in her home and emotions run high. Laney is pushed to her limits as she watches Carter fight for his life and her relationship with Oliver becomes strained as she discovers secrets about Julz that could tear them apart.

As she reaches her boiling point, disaster strikes and her life is shattered. Laney must come to terms with what has unfolded. Will she lose her way and let the darkness consume her or will she find her light in Oliver?

Secrets will be revealed. Hearts will be broken. Lives will be lost. Darkness will fall.

My Thoughts:
I was again blown away by Joann's ability to write such an amazing story. Laney and Oliver's relationship is by far anything but easy. Trying to be in a relationship with an over protective vampire is definitely not as easy as Laney thought it was going to be.

I am a big fan of Joann's she has this great ability to make you feel like you are sucked into her stories. I absolutely adored the first novel Laney and I was thrilled that Darkness lived up to my expectations. 

Darkness is filled with as much excitement as Laney but with less action.I loved how she focused on some of the "smaller" character's in Darkness more.If you read Laney then you understand how talented Joann is. 

Oliver seems to be experiencing an inner emotional turmoil that is causing him to react to situations more heatedly then he normally would. I am not sure what is going on with Oliver exactly but he was coming off as very aggressive in Darkness. His love for Laney is causing his true nature to shine through.

Laney does her best to deal with Oliver's overprotectivness as well she can but it is driving her insane. She finds herself just wanting a little bit of freedom.

Darkness is filled with love,death,betrayal and trying to figure out exactly where you fit within the world of vampires. Such an amazing read. A read that you can get through in one sitting. 

I am a huge fan of Joann and The Brookhaven Vampires series


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